Trade Focus Scholarships are made possible by contributions from many area businesses.
Apply for a Trade Focus Scholarship
R-P seniors should check here for application information in early spring each year. Contact School Counselor Jenny Helgemoe at 507-864-7785 x1010 if you have questions about the scholarship or the application process.

Isabelle Kahoun, Jada Burr, Andrew Wilkemeyer, Hannah Ronnenberg, and Jackson Bergan.
Thomas Ekern, Justin Ruberg, and Malachi Bunke
Helen Newman and Alora Wilkemeyer
Madeline Anderson (Rushford Foods IGA), Alyssa Thelen, Peyton Morrison, Jordan Vande Zande, and Seth Heiden.
Emily Didier, Ian Brown, Austin Banks, Landon Skalet and Grace Thompson
Dawson Dahl ($625), Ian McNeill ($500), Mackenzie Waldo ($500), Josh Miertschin ($500), Ben Maynard ($500)